// // Vidya's South Africa Experience - Kaya Responsible Travel


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Vidya’s South Africa Experience

Vidya K.
Volunteer Name:Vidya K.
Project Attended:Support the Recovery of Children in a South African Hospital
Country Attended:South Africa


“This was an outstanding experience. The local volunteering organization is a well-established group doing great work throughout Cape Town. The children’s convalescent home where I volunteered was going through some administrative changes when I started, so our roles were a little confusing at first, but we sorted it out easily. I think these children changed my life more than I could give them. Seeing their smiles, being there for their first steps, their first words – it was amazing to see these kids who were so sick and so disadvantaged, thrive. I stayed with a host family who were amazingly kind and welcoming. I experienced South African culture first-hand through this experience. I also had the opportunity to sight see, travel, meet amazing new friends. I will definitely be going back, and definitely be signing up for more volunteering work through Kaya.”